Saturday, July 12, 2014

sweet sweet summer time, 'Merca's birthday

I am loving summer with a baby!! Especially with a baby that loves water. :) We are all having so much fun this season. Jeremy's garden is doing good and we have been enjoying our fresh fruits and veggies. It is a little small this year but as our kids grow hopefully so will our garden! I'm still dreaming of a future with honey bees and goats!
I have also been having sooo much fun planning Eli' first birthday. He loves swimming more than anything and since his Granmama has a pool with a fabulous outdoor area we are having a swim party! It is Elijah's Island theme. (a play on Gilligan's Island) I'm really excited, I can't wait!
  Elijah gets more personality every day! He has begun eating table food and loves it. His favorites are tomato, grilled cheese, broccoli, and watermelon. He has been cruising like a champ, I really think he might start walking soon! It is so bittersweet watching him change so quickly, he's growing up so fast.

My sweet mamaw broke her hip right after this visit with baby Eli- she has been recovering so well- we are praying it continues. Mamaw and Papaw love baby Eli!!!

 Elijah started standing in his crib! I love going into his room in the morning and seeing him peek his bouncing head above the railing.

I can't believe it.

 We celebrated July 4th with Jeremy's family! Elijah enjoyed sitting with his Nanni during the parade! We went for a swim at Eli's granmamas house after the parade and off to work I went that night- boo.

My friend Dani and her mama were in the parade! :)

Bree loves Eli's toys, she is good at sharing though :)

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