The past 5 months have evolved around the tiniest sweetest baby boy.
Birth Story
It was the most incredible experience Jeremy and I have ever had. My mom was the only one in the room, she was very good about letting us have our moments and keeping all the other folks in the waiting room updated! She was also the best motivator and kept telling me how great I was doing during the pushing. I am happy she was there with us! I held my baby for two hours in the delivery room then they took him for his more extensive tests and bath and wheeled me to our huge wonderful suite. Thank you GMC! After his tests and having his first bath they brought him back to me. I think that was my favorite moment. He was bundled up sleeping and I could really sit up and take my time to soak in it. We spent the next two days at the hospital holding our baby the entire time and just living this surreal new reality.
Eli's first doctor visit |
On the evening of August 20th we brought our baby home!! We were so ready to come home and stay there. Unfortunately at Eli's first check-up they noticed he was jaundice and losing too much weight. So we had to drive back to the hospital every single day that week getting Eli's heel pricked. So sad. Not the way we planned on spending his first week but God was our comfort. Unfortunately Eli just kept losing weight to the doctors confusion. So he got down to 5lb 14oz. Eli was also miserably colicky. We decided to switch doctors and they recommended going dairy free and also saw he had bad reflux and that was keeping him from nursing well. Then Eli began gaining his weight and started to become himself, a happy, sweet-hearted, bright-eyed baby boy!! There was this really rough almost hopeless dark period at the beginning when we thought everything would be so joyful. I think every parent goes through this, it is really survival mode at the beginning. Then it was like the gray clouds parted and the Lord shined his grace and mercy on us. Everything turned completely around when Eli was about two months old. His weight gain was great, he was happy and we were so proud and so happy. Everything since then just keeps getting better and better! Our baby will be five months old in just one week and he had filled our home with so much life, laughter, and joy! He is a lot of work but every second is a blessing and I don't even remember what life was like before him. Only five months of my life so far and it is so weird to think there was a time with out him. Every prior memory I have I always ask myself, "where was Eli?" He is definitely the biggest part of our lives and we wouldn't have it any other way. I'm working part-time now and it is so hard to be away from him but I love seeing how precious he is to his sitters, Jeremy's Mom and his Nanni. Our baby really is so precious and loveable! We are so thankful to Jesus for this wonderful life. On another note all of our chickens escaped in the craziness of Eli's first month. We still have one that stayed around, she is now free-range and she is happier than ever. We are still getting used to this huge change in our lives, so we aren't really sure what we can handle other than what is on our plate. This is so much harder and so much better than I ever imagined.